Protecting our natural resources one water line at a time


Our aging water infrastructure has long been an out-of-sight, out-of-mind problem. A recent study shows that 2.1 trillion gallons of expensive, treated water leaks from the country’s outdated systems each year – enough to create  a 298-foot flood that would swallow Manhattan. But by identifying and repairing leaks, water service providers can save themselves and their communities money in the long run while protecting resources and generating economic growth. Water leak detection is an inexpensive, cost-effective solution for meeting federal conservation mandates.



Northern Leak Detection is committed to helping municipalities to maximize the performance of their water distribution systems by using state-of-the-art technologies to detect water pipe leaks before they become a problem.



Leak Detection Survey

Surveying your distribution network to identify leaks as part of preventative maintenance.

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Detected leaks are accurately pinpointed, marked and documented for remediation.

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