Pinpointing the point of failure

Not all leaks come to the surface. When a liquid under pressure escapes from a pipeline, it creates a sound pressure wave (leak noise) which travels along the pipe from the exit point.


The distribution system is first surveyed using an Acoustic leak detection method of "listening" for a water leak. A suspected leak is then correlated between two points.  Sensors are deployed at each end of the pipe under investigation.  The time taken for the leak noise to travel to each sensor is calculated and used to calculate the precise location of the leak prior to digging.  Leak noise correlation is the most effective method of pinpointing leaks in buried pipelines.


Depending on the environment conditions, accuracy of leak pinpointing can be within inches.


Why pinpoint water leaks in your network?

  • Save time and money with fast and accurate detection

  • Minimize damage by using the least invasive measures available when making repairs

  • Provide a thorough inspection of your entire water system

Fixing the leaks can help fix the economy. Dollar for dollar, infrastructure investments create 40 percent more jobs than across-the-board tax cuts, and over five times more jobs than temporary business tax relief. The U.S. Commerce Department’s Bureau of Economic Analysis estimates that for every job added in the water workforce, 3.68 jobs are added to the national economy.