Save water. Save money

Detecting and repairing leaks is one of the main components of water conservation. Utilities can no longer tolerate inefficiencies in water distribution systems and the resulting loss of revenue associated with underground water system leakage. This is especially true considering that many water systems lose 15-20 percent of their volume due to undetected leaks.


Northern Leak Detection provides preventive maintenance by conducting a water leak survey on your distribution network. Our professionally trained field technicians use state of the art Fluid Conservation System detection equipment that includes the FCS S30 Surveyor and FCS AccuCorr 3000 correlator to survey the pipeline network.


Our aim is to locate and mitigate water losses so you can continue to provide your customers with an efficient and effective water distribution system.


We will work with you to identify high priority inspection areas including:

  • Areas with a history of excessive leak and break rates
  • Areas where leaks and breaks can result in the heaviest property damage
  • Areas where system pressure is high
  • Areas exposed to stray electric current and traffic vibration
  • Areas near stream crossings
  • Areas where loads on pipe exceed design loads

Surveys are primarily done in the spring and summer. The survey provides you with a list of leaks in the system so that they can be attended to on your own schedule.

Contact us today to schedule your first survey